View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
JULY 2023 Newsletter

From the Minister


My dear friends,


It has been 6 months since UUCV successfully voted to adopt the 8th Principle, “Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”



Since then, our Anti-Racism Team has been working to keep this principle alive in practice. One of the most visible changes has been the adding of an element to our Sunday services called the “8th Note,” wherein a congregant shares a short reflection or a lesson that harkens back to the 8th Principle.


The Anti-Racism Team has more ideas for the future of UUCV’s support of the 8th Principle, including adding a land acknowledgement to the beginning of our worship service, and possibly offering an anti-racism workshop in conjunction with other local UU churches.


Additionally, in an upcoming service I will share the RACE Method as taught by Dr. David Campt. As a UU minister and an anti-racist activist, I have taken a great many workshops through the years on anti-oppression work, and I have been incredibly impressed with Dr. Campt’s work.


His RACE Method focuses on teaching non-POC allies how to engage with people who are skeptical that racism against people of color is a problem worthy of specific attention. It is based on principles from non-violent communication and on findings from the science of persuasion. RACE stands for: Reflect, Ask, Connect, Expand. I am excited to share with you a method of engagement that is empowering and proactive and won’t leave you feeling guilty about your privilege.


As always, I invite you to contact me at just to chat about anything at all. I look forward to connecting with you in person, online, or via phone!


With so much love, Rev. Meg


Worship this Month
The Worship theme for
July is JOY

July 2 – “Laughter as Prayer” Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to define prayer in increasingly expansive and imaginative ways. Today, join us for a service of levity as we explore the ways that we UUs find humor in the world and turn laughter into prayer.  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches.


July 9 – “All Things Article II” Are they taking our 7 Principles away? Not quite, but there are some big conversations happening at the denominational level around redefining our faith itself. All are welcome to be part of the conversation this Sunday at UUCV!  Rev. Meg Mathieson preaches. 


July 16 - "The R.A.C.E. Method"  This Sunday, Rev. Meg will share the RACE Method as taught by Dr. David Campt. The RACE Method is an approach that anti-racism allies can take to trying to share their perspective with people who are skeptical that racism against people of color is a problem worthy of specific attention. It is based on principles from Non-violent communication and on findings from the science of persuasion. RACE stands for: Reflect, Ask, Connect, Expand.  Cheryl Parsons is worship associate.


July 23 – “Camp UUCV”  Stories, songs, s'mores...there's just something about the nostalgic memory of summer camp. Join camp counselors Brent, Ben, and Chris as we bring a little of that magical summertime community indoors to the UUCV sanctuary - with special campfire music by renowned harmonica player Chad Bruce.  Rev. Chris Kapp, Ben Ramirez and Brent Dickerson lead this service. 


July 23 – “Creativity”  

Have you ever made scratch art? There's something so satisfying about scratching through the plain top layer revealing the multi-color layer underneath?  Join us as we look “under the surface” and consider opportunities for exploration, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with the creative forces at work within us and the world around us.


We encourage folks to bring a creative project of your choice to work on during this experiential service. Feel free to set up an easel and paint, work on knitting or embroidery or wood carving, set up a small folding table to make jewelry or pottery...whatever creative pursuit feeds your soul is welcome in worship for this creative service.  Max Donnelly leads the service with worship associate Rev. Chris Kapp.



Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685
This n That...
UUCV Book Group
July 23 – John Katz – Camera Man: Buster Keaton, the Dawn of Cinema, and the Invention of the Twentieth Century by Dana Stevens
The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion.
The selection for July 23rd is  Camera Man: Buster Keaton, the Dawn of Cinema, and the Invention of the Twentieth Century by Dana Stevens, "...a wide-ranging meditation on modernity that paints a complex portrait of a one-of-a-kind artist." (
 If you've ever wanted to get involved, we'd love to have you join us! Please email Book Group Coordinator Riley Johnson to learn more:
Wild Women 


July 15th - Love


Love, love, love. It’s not just a thing we feel for a romantic partner, it’s a promise we make and a way we move in the world.


 Come explore what it means to perceive with love, and to connect with your pack.


We will meet in the Social Hall at 3:00 on Saturday, July 15th..


Contact Riley Johnson with any questions:


Coming Up in July

Mark your calendars:
  • Prayer in the Park, Thursday, July 13 7:00 PM at Biddle Park on East North Street, Carlisle  Learn about our neighbors' faiths, and a reminder that we are all united in community.
  • PRIDE - New Cumberland Visit the UUCV Booth, Saturday, July 22 11a - 4p.  
  • PRIDE- Harrisburg Stop by the UUCV Booth Saturday, July 29  11a - 6p
Social Justice at UUCV
July Social Justice Opportunities
Programs under the umbrella of the Social Justice Committee include the monthly CARES dinner, Change for the World (CFTW), the Mozambique Bursary project and the UUCV Antiracism Initiative. Another component this year has been assisting an Afghan family as they transition to America from war-torn Afghanistan. Other events we regularly participate in include Project Share’s Farm Stand, the annual Pride Festival in Harrisburg, National Public Lands Day, and United Way’s One Day of Caring. We anchor our efforts around UUCV’s mission to transform lives and care for the world. Thank you to all who serve on the committee and for outside support we receive from many others in the congregation.
The next Social Justice meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, July 19 in the board room.  All are welcome to join our meetings. 
Change for the World -
3rd Quarter  July - September

The Period Project Harrisburg Megan Swope,


The Period Project Harrisburg’s mission is to eradicate period poverty in the Harrisburg area and raise awareness about its impact on the dignity and health of our community. They take action through community engagement and direct intervention with the unsheltered and those in need.

The term period poverty refers to the fact that monthly menstruation management is a struggle for many individuals globally. Menstruation inequity refers to the need for a public policy to address the safety, affordability, and availability of menstrual products for everyone who needs them.

For some, the cost of supplies are a financial burden or out of reach due to homelessness. Currently, state and federal funds (EBT card) cannot be used to purchase sanitary supplies.


Supporting The Period Project Harrisburg aligns with our first UU principal to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Silent Witness Volunteers Needed.


The Pride Committee is currently seeking volunteers for the 2023 Central PA Pride festival on July 29, 2023. Kim Stone is organizing a group of people who would like to be Silent Witness Peacekeepers. 

The Silent Witness Peacekeepers Alliance (SWPA) is an organization of gay and straight allies dedicated to providing a non-confrontational buffer between the LGBTQIA+ community and those who would protest LGBTQIA+ events. The Alliance protects everyone’s rights to free speech by providing visual protection using rainbow umbrellas as shields.


If possible, all volunteers must attend the training session:

July 11, 7—9 pm, 704 N. Third Street, Harrisburg, PA


A Silent Witness volunteer sheet in 2-hour increments can be found on the volunteer table in the Social Hall concerning the Pride Festival on Saturday, July 29 in Harrisburg. 


You’ll learn why we do what we do, who the protesters are and how to use the umbrella. Kim will be driving to the session and has room for three more people in her car. She will need to know who will attend to RSVP how many of us will be there. Contact her at or 717-385-3148. Or sign up yourself at
The July CARES Dinner provided by UUCV members will be Sunday, July 16, and it will be a Summer Burger meal. This is the list of food items we would like to have donated for the meal.
Email Pam to donate or send checks to UUCV, PO Box 207, Boiling Springs, PA 17007 marked CARES in the memo line.  We need the following donations:
BURGERS-  30 hamburger patties
CONDIMENTS -  Ketchup, Mustard, Chopped Onions, & 2 lb of sliced                                American Cheese BAKED BEANS -  One Large pan of prepared Baked Beans
FRESH VEGETABLES-  2 large containers of any raw vegetable salads
FRESH FRUIT -  30 Slices of Watermelon
DESSERT -  30 count total of packages of ICE CREAM treats, such as Klondike Bars
Thank you for your help to provide a summer meal for those in need in our Community!  Our monthly meal donation to CARES is an important outreach to folks in Carlisle area. If you leave food donations in the church kitchen for this meal, please be sure to mark the items for CARES Meal.  Thank you!!! 
Religious Education

Greetings all!  Join us on Sunday mornings for fun, summer programming.  Our Summer Sundays carry of theme of service to others.  For example, in June we talked about service to the planet by making seed balls and learning about the preciousness of water.  This month, our small acts of service will include doing acts of kindness for others.

Even the smallest gestures can have a vast ripple effect of kindness in the world.  Weather permitting, we may go outside on the church grounds for movement activities. Donations of snacks for the kids are welcome!  May we continue to learn and grow together.   In faith and service,  Lynn Sodora 


Below is our Faith Development Sunday schedule for our children and youth for July: 


RE Summer Sundays:  We begin our Sundays at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary with the congregation.  After the Moment for All Ages, the children and youth will head downstairs for an All-Ages summer activity.


July 2:     Stir up Treats for an Animal Shelter

July 9:     Making Cards for Elders and others

July 16:   Help Beautify Mother Earth (walk to the lake)

July 30:   Learning about Fair Trade Chocolates 


July 23:  "UUCV CAMP"  - Multigenerational Service: This family-focused Multigen promises to be lots of fun for all.  Service starts at 10:30 am.  All children and youth remain in the Sanctuary to enjoy the service with their families.  Nursery Care for children 4 and under will be available from 10:15 - 11:45 am.  





Sunday, July 2 - after service:  Children and youth will help tie-dye our new supply of UUCV t-shirts which will be sold throughout the year as fundraiser for our RE program.  All are welcome to join the fun and help create these shirts together.


Sunday, July 9 - Noon to 2 pm:  Our Middles "Critical Core" Group (ages 9-12) will meet in the Board Room for the next session.


Saturday, July 22 - starts at 7:30 pm Yuuth Group Overnight at the church (for ages 13-17).  Details will be sent out to the Parents/Guardians along with the required permission slips.  Rev. Chris Kapp will be leading the fun. 


NURSERY CARE (ages 0-4) every Sunday:  Parents can sign in their babies and toddlers before Service and retrieve them by 11:45 am.  


**Please sign out your young children (up to age 12) from the Spirit Play room (and Nursery) by 11:45.** This gives parents the opportunity to socialize before pickup, while respecting the Volunteer Teachers' time as well. 


Thank you to all our June volunteers!  Ryanne Mack, Mrs. Candice Holsinger, Susan Green, Susan Rimby, Courtney Wiley, Rebecca Fratantuono, Kim Stone, Laura Soper and Kristen Markley. Thank you so much for your time and energy! Members of the Congregation are encouraged to volunteer with the Children's RE Program! Please email Lynn Sodora DLFD at to check in about submitting clearances.

Adult RE Discussion Group


Do you consider yourself a life-long learner? Are you interested in deepening your connections with your fellow congregants and friends of UUCV?  If so, then the Adult RE Discussion Group might be just what you’re looking for. 

Join us on Sunday August 6th starting at 12:30 PM for a planning session where we will decide upon the discussion topics for our next series of Adult RE classes.  The meeting will be held in the board room on the lower level of the church and will last approximately one hour.  Bring a packed lunch or enjoy some pizza (to be provided).  Can’t make the meeting in-person?  You can join via Zoom using this link:


But wait.  What exactly is the Adult RE Discussion Group?  The Adult RE Discussion Group typically meets for about an hour twice per month during the Spring (Feb. – May) and Fall (Sept. – Dec.).  The group provides participants an opportunity to live out UUCV's motto of "seeking truth together".  Rooted in UU's six sources and guided by the principle of a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, the group is open to exploring a wide range of topics from life's big questions to the smaller ones too. This is a participant led group in which we draw upon and learn from the knowledge, beliefs, wisdom, insights, practices. and lived-experiences of one another. We seek to learn not as an arcane academic exercise, but in an effort to better understand our world and ourselves and to live life more deeply and fully.

New Members
On Sunday, June 3 we held our new member ceremony: John Flood, Elizabeth Brillon, Jill Hoffman, Mary Reichart, Julie Cullings and her daughter Emma, Matt and Laura Soper and their son Ben.
Learn more about each of our newest members by reading their bio's located in our social hall.  
We look forward to welcoming you into our community!!
News from the Mozambique Bursary Committee


Meet Rabeca Sumbuleta, a former Bursary student. After completing her secondary education at the Molumbo boarding center, she entered a teacher training program in 2017. Rabeca is now teaching somewhere in Molumbo. The attached photo shows Rabeca visiting our current Molumbo students. She is a role model and inspiration for those girls.

Your generous donations made Rabeca’s high school and college education possible. $350 per year provides one girl with room and board, school uniforms and supplies, and personal hygiene materials. Educated young women like Rabeca contribute greatly to their communities, in one of the world’s poorest nations.


In September, Dianne Dusman and Susan Rimby will be visiting the Molumbo and Namarroi Boarding Centers to see our congregation’s work in action. You’ll hear all about the trip during our fall Bursary fundraiser church service and kick-off fund-raising luncheon.

UUCV Announcements
UUCV Pride Booths

UUCV will have a booth at several PRIDE Events coming up.  Plan to attend or if you would like to volunteer to help, please contact any of the following:  Amy-jo Humpton, Ash Hersh, or Kim Stone


Event Dates:

    July 22 - New Cumberland 11a - 4p

    July 29 – Harrisburg 11a – 6p

    October 8 – Chambersburg  10a – 4p

York PRIDE workers...Jill Hoffman, Lynn Sodora and Ash Hersh.
Work Day at UUCV
We had a wonderful turnout for our Spring Workday.  A BIG thank you to everyone that showed up and did the work to keep our building and grounds beautiful.
Building and Grounds Chair Needed

The Building and Grounds Committee is currently led by Jim Burton.  As you know, Jim is now the President of the Board of Trustees.  Both positions require attention and Jim needs to step away from the B&G position. 


The good news for anyone who chooses to step into the position, there is a solid team which is pretty much self sustaining.  The mowing team is led by Cindy Good and the gardening team is led by Paula Terry.  The B&G committee consists of Paula, Rick Hechman, Mark Green, Matt Soper and Denny Stone.

We have a wealth of knowledge on the B&G team and in the community at large.  Paula, Rick and Dave Mooney are all previous leaders who are more than willing to help out when needed and to provide advice. 


This is an important and rewarding position.  Please consider taking up the challenge and lead this team.  


If interested, contact Jim Burton or any one of the committee members

Pastoral Care Needs YOU!!
The sisters (Char Klein and Gail Black) are going to co-chair the Pastoral Care Committee for now and would like to invite any of you who would like to join us to be in touch. 
Call Gail at 717-350-4937 or let Pam know that you are interested and she'll give us a shout. 
This committee checks in with congregants who may need help or support due to illness, accidents or other major events. We are hoping to create a larger pool of folks who will help with meals, rides and so forth.
There won't be committee meetings - just a bunch of us who will take turns helping out when we get a message that a need has arisen.
Call with any questions or to sign up to be in the pool.
Social Hour Contributors Needed
Social hour, following worship on Sundays, is an important time for us to build our community and relationships with each other.
It takes help from everyone to make our time together valuable.
Feel free, any Sunday, to bring in some snacks to share....have leftovers from a party....bring them on in.   Have some fresh veggies from your garden....bring them in.  Anything is welcomed!
AND....asking for more folks to sign up to make coffee!   Everything you need is provided for you....we just need a little of your time on a Sunday morning.  The sign-up sheets are on the volunteer table in the Social Hall.  
Summer Faith Nights
Carlisle Area Religious Council is sponsoring opportunities to learn about our neighbor's faiths, and a reminder that we are all united in Community.
UUCV and the Asbell Center for Jewish life, and Congregation Beth Tikvah will be held on Thursday, July 13 at 7:00pm at Biddle Mission Park on East North Street in Carlisle.
UUCV Coffee Hour Bake

Did you know that Coffee hour serves to

  · Encourage fellowship

  · Catch up with friends

  · Welcome newcomers

  · Encourage conversation

  · Provide small bites and beverages

  · Create a ministry of hospitality

Help us create a weekly welcoming coffee hour by joining us at our first ever Coffee Hour Bake. Come join in as we bake goodies to freeze and have ready for our Coffee Hours over the next few months. You can make/bake whatever you’d like in the UUCV kitchen (BYOI – bring your own ingredients), or make at home and drop off.


Suggested items: cookies, coffee cake, muffins, quick breads, cinnamon rolls, brownies, puppy chow, box mixes no- bake cookies, candied nuts. Anything freezable works! You can also bring pre-portioned dough and we can bake off on Sunday mornings and let the smell of fresh baked cookies waft through the building!


If you would prefer to help stock pantry items with pretzels, crackers, nuts, et cetera, that would be appreciated.


Our baking/drop day is August 5th, 9:00 am – 2:00. Come join the fun and support our Coffee Hour!


Contact Deb Genet, 717-460-7844/dgenet1227@gmail to let her know you’re coming or with questions.

Community Building with a
              UU Revival

Sunday, August 20th from 11am – 4pm

An Event for the Entire Family
Reminder – Bring a Picnic Lunch and Chairs

Lancaster County Parks – Lancaster, PA
(worship starts at 11, lunch noonish, breakouts around 1)

* Worship

* Games and Crafts

* Breakout Conversations

* Music




UU Congregations from York, Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster and Boiling Springs

UUCV Fundraising Opportunities
Strawberry Shortcake Booth
A HUGE Thank You to all who helped wash, chop, bake, set-up, work the booths, tear-down and run the errands.  A special thank you to Rebecca Fratantuono for overseeing this event. 
We made a profit of $1113.02. 
This is a wonderful outreach opportunity for us in our local community....and we even made the Mack/Dickerson chicken happy with the cuttings!!!


Birthday Bash Success!!!


For those of you who attended our 25 year Birthday Bash....Thank you for making it such a success!  So far, we have raised over $6,300.00.

And....if you couldn't make it, there are still events with spots available for you to sign up for.  The list of events will be displayed in our Social Hall until they are full or the date has passed.  You can sign up, or contact Pam or Cindy and ask them to sign up for you. 


Mail a check to UUCV, PO Box 207, Boiling Springs, PA  17007 for your event with a note what you are signing up for and "Birthday Bash" in the memo line of your check.



Upcoming events with space:


August 12 - Campfire at Kapp Cottage $20 (Chris Kapp)


August 15 - Hershey Gardens & Hershey Story Museum $65 (Cathy Dewalt)


August 26 - Cards Against Humanity (Adults only) $20 (Chris Kapp)


October 14 - Evening in the Moonlight $35 (Cathy Dewalt)


October 14 - Casual Supper & Smores $20/pp or $30/per family (Fratantuono's)


October 21 - Beatles Songbook Night $25 (McPherson's)



Dates to be determined between attendees and the host:


German Translation $20 (Gisela Roethke)


Filled Dumpling Lessons $50  (Chris Kapp)


Hot Pot Demonstration $50  (Chris Kapp)


Drawing of your favorite D & D Character $30  (John  Simcoe)


Game Night and Snacks $20 (Lisa Balog)


Bents, Bumps & Bargains $15 (DeWall's)




Grocery Cards
Does England have a 4th of July?
Yes they do, and they have a July 3rd and a July 5th.  ------_-------------------+++ What did Polly the Parrot want for the 4th of July?
Answer:  A Fire-cracker!! ---------------------- What did the tourist say when they left the Statue of Liberty??
Keep in Torch!! 
Stop by the grocery card table and purchase your cards for your summer picnic needs!!

UUCV is partnering with RaiseRight for Gift card fundraising, the #1 fundraiser for nonprofit organizations across the U.S. for more than 25 years.  Earn simply by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases, instead of cash or credit cards.

With RaiseRight, nonprofits and other community-based organizations earn money simply by shopping for their favorite brands—turning daily or weekly purchases into the opportunities that matter for their favorite organizations. 

How to Get Started:

Visit to Sign Up from your computer


Set up your banking or credit card preference.


You can then shop anytime by visiting and see the daily bonuses and specials which will earn more money for UUCV.  Check the % for each card to see what your donation will be to UUCV….with a very minimal fee to you. 


How to Pay:

When you are done selecting your cards, check out at your shopping cart.  You can pay by your own Credit Card (getting points on your card) or LINK to your bank account


How you Receive your Cards:

  • You can choose ecards (which will show up in your wallet on your APP or in your wallet on the main website http://www.raiseright/shop
  • You can choose to receive the actual card be sent to your home address
  • DO NOT select your card to be sent to the Coordinator….any cards sent to the coordinator will be cancelled and your sale will be VOID


Contact Pam if you need help in getting set up or if you have questions about this program.

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