View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
July 2021 Newsletter

From the Minister...
Worship this Month
July Worship
July 4 - "Free to Be UU and Me" What does it mean to be free? Who has freedom? What does this mean for our congregation and the way forward? Riley Johnson preaches with worship associate Bev Motich.
July 11 - "The Other "F" Word" As a religious community we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person. How can we live into this value in a more inclusive way?  Emily Crutcher preaches with worship associate Chris Kapp.
July 18 - "Transitions and Transformations" Change alone is unchanging. Sometimes we welcome it; sometimes we yearn for it. Sometimes we dread it; sometimes we are shocked by it.  We celebrate. We grieve. Nevertheless, change persists and we also change. Today's service will reference the new movie "In the Heights". If you get a chance to see it before the service, it is a highly recommended film.  Rev. Dr. Kathy Ellis preaches with worship associate Cheryl parsons.
July 25- "A Blank Page" We are on the cusp of a new chapter in our congregation. A blank page lies before us. How will we use our collective pens?  Worship Associates will lead and participate in the service.

Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896
This n That...
UUCV Book Group
"The UUCV Book Discussion group meets via Zoom on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6:30 pm. Dates and titles can be found on our website: Please join us for a lively discussion, newcomers are always welcome!
The selection for July 25th is "The Machine Never Blinks: A Graphic History of Spying and Surveillance" by Ivan Greenberg. This thought-provoking graphic novel looks at the history of surveillance, from the Trojan Horse through the War on Terror, and explores its impact on our current lives.
Please email Pam at UUCV ( or the Book Discussion coordinator, Riley Johnson ( if you have any questions.


UUCV Grocery Cards for Sale

We are still available for you to purchase grocery card sales for Weis, Karns and Giant...and remember you can use your Giant card for gas also.

Send an email to Pam with your order and the cards will be mailed to your home.  You can pay by sending a check to  UUCV, PO Box 207, Boiling Springs, PA  17007 or you can pay by credit card directly to  Pam...indicate in your email if you want to pay by credit card and Pam will arrange the payment with you. 
Thanks for continuing to support UUCV.




UUCV Office News


OK, not really fishing, but the UUCV office will be closed the following dates in July: 


Friday, July 2


Friday, July 16


Friday, July 23


Emails and phone calls will be returned the following Mondays!



Capital Campaign



Capital Campaign

   Spotlighting some Surprises





There are more details to CapCam projects then we could ever fully convey in early PR presentations and brochures. 

Things which may surprise and delight you:

  1. The main entrance lobby will welcome everyone with a new ceiling and LED lighting. No more water-stained ceiling tiles.
  2. The hallway from the main lobby to the social hall will be wider.
  3. The old bathroom nearest to the social hall is being converted into a “Hospitality Hub”. It will include electric for coffee making, a small sink, and some storage and counter areas. Thank you to the Hospitality Committee for creating the name for this useful new space.
  4. The other old bathroom will be a custodial room. This will include shelving for supplies and a proper mop sink at floor level. Finally, we will be able to fill a bucket upstairs for cleaning.  No more lugging it up steps or riding the elevator.
  5. A small second water heater will be added upstairs to assure prompt hot water on this level.
  6. The dim RE hall will be ablaze with a new ceiling and LED lighting.
  7. The remodeled lower bathrooms, almost a complete gut job, will have new fixtures, enhanced ventilation, and bright LED lighting.
  8. All building electrical panels will have major upgrades to meet current safety codes.
  9. Enhanced entrance security will utilize a keyless access system. No more losing outside door keys. People needing exterior access will use an activated swipe card and pass code.
  10. Drum roll, please! While some kitchen upgrades must wait, we are moving ahead to install a 3-compartment, deep commercial sink and… a commercial dishwasher!

Yahoo!....     Great things happen when UUCV pulls together!


Keep scrolling to view construction photos.    And visit UUCV’s website home page Post to see new photo additions.  

UUCV Auction

UUCV Auction News July 2021


Well friends, it looks like we are well underway to in house gatherings. At this time, I anticipate a "live" auction to be held at a date to be determined this November. As such, July is when we hold our first meeting of the auction committee with the artists. I am scheduling a meeting for Sunday, July 25 at 12:00 on ZOOM. This is an extremely important meeting as anyone who has worked past auctions knows, much needs to be discussed. The artists need to meet and come up with this year's auction theme. I am also inviting members from the fund raising committee to attend and add to needed input.


Please plan to attend this meeting. This notice is an open invitation to the entire congregation. All of you know, whether you have helped out in previous auctions or not, how much time and effort goes into this major fundraiser. All I am asking is 45 minutes on auction night to assist in any way you can whether as a runner, a food or dessert table attendant, or any other of the jobs that help is always needed. The more of you I can get helping out, the more everyone can relax and just enjoy the festivities. I will look forward to meeting with you on July 25 at 12:00.


Just a brief addendum: I am not the greatest of note takers, so if there is one of you willing to take the minutes of our meetings, that would be great way to get things down the right track. Contact me if you would.


Thank you to all who have assisted with any previous auctions and in advance for considering keeping the auction alive!


Cathy Dewalt

2021 Auction Chairperson

Social Justice at UUCV
July Social Justice Opportunities


Change For The World - July throughSeptember



RBH repairs older donated bicycles, making them safe to ride, and gives them away to lower income kids and adults. The kids get healthful recreation; oftentimes the bikes enable the adults to commute to their jobs. It is a 501(c)3 with no paid staff. Volunteers teach bike repair; in fact, learning safety and basic maintenance is frequently a prerequisite to receiving a free bike.  Volunteers also keep all functioning and organized, do the grant writing, provide pro bono legal services, track data, and maintain the space. Our money will help Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg buy tools and replacement parts. In 2019 a new trailer was purchased -- to be their bike shop on wheels which RBH takes to community events to reach people where they (and their bikes) are. Even with Covid in 2020 their volunteers put in over 3,500 hours repairing over 1,300 bikes; in 2019 it was over 7,000 volunteer hours. Be inspired at


Recycle Bicycle promotes the inherent worth and dignity of every person -- including economically disadvantaged children and adults; justice, equity and compassion in human relations -- kids should be able to have a bike of their own; adults without cars should be able to get to and from their workplace; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence -- plus it promotes healthy exercise and socialization -- in the out-of-doors.

AntiRacism Initiative
All are welcome to participate in the Antiracism Initiative monthly discussion on July 24th from 10:00 to 11:30 am on ZOOM  
Come and increase your awareness about
  • White Identity, Affirmative Action, and Color-Blind Racial Ideology
  • Critical Issues for other People of Color
  • Identity Development in Multi-Racial Families
  • Embracing a Cross-Racial Dialogue.
Our discussion will be based on information from the national bestselling book  Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?  and other conversations about race.  Author Beverly Daniel Tatum, PhD, is president emerita of Spelman College and has received the Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology, the highest honor presented by the American Psychological Association.  Her perspective as a psychologist brings a unique window on these important topics.
The core members of this group will bring observations about the book, but all are welcome to learn from our informal discussion whether or not you have read the book.  We'd love to bring a wider UUCV presence to this issue that is such a vital part of caring for our world.  Please join us!
A huge "Thank You" to all who continue to contribute and allow us to provide these meals.   Email Pam if you are able to donate.
Rachel and Jennifer Teates will grill hamburgers and hot dogs again! Thanks so much!
The following donations for the meal are needed:
Meat- 3 dozen hamburger patties 
Buns - 3 dozen hamburger buns
Condiments - Mustard, ketchup, relish, ketchup, chopped onions, pickles
Baked Beans - 2 dishes 
Salads - 1 of each: Potato salad, Corn & Bean
Chips - Individual Bags of potato & corn chips, 36 bags
Dessert - Watermelon Slices, 36.   Ice Cream Cups or treats, 36
Drinks - 2 gallon of each - Iced Tea
Thank-you so much for your donations!!
Drop your items off at the UUCV Parking Lot between 3:00 - 3:30 on Sunday, July 18.  If you need someone to pick up your item, or if you have any questions, please email Carol Riesmeyer  or call 724/822-6423. 
If you mark your food containers with your name, Dee Lauderbaugh will pick up your containers and take them to her house for you to pick up at your convenience.
A huge thank you to all who make the effort to contribute food!



Developing nations still struggle with the global pandemic, but the girls in the Mozambique Bursary Program are learning and thriving. That’s the latest word from our agents, Titos Macie and Sonia Assane Sauale, who visited Bursary Centers in Molumbo and Namarroi from May 3-6, 2021. This was Titos’ first visit to the schools in approximately 18 months.


Travel in Mozambique entails driving over pothole-filled roads that make Pennsylvania’s spring roads look smooth. Mozambiquan drivers are happy when they encounter gravel; many roads are dirt. Flat tires and broken wheels are common. Despite these challenges, Titos and Sonia completed their itinerary and found the girls well. Currently, 40 girls are enrolled at Molumbo and 62 girls at Namarroi. Because the Boarding Center in Namarroi is closed, 33 students are living at the CCM House, managed by a church group, and 29 live with extended family. At Molumbo, 22 girls live in the boarding house and 18 girls with family members.


At both Molumbo and Namarroi Sonia distributed hygiene materials, school uniforms, school supplies, food, and bed linens to the students. (See the photo below.) Titos met with parents who had made the trip to their daughters’ schools to express their thanks and give feedback on the program. The parents were extremely thankful that the students were able to resume their education after an absence of almost a year. Many of these parents are peasant farmers, and they have been hard hit by Covid-19. They are extremely thankful for the support their daughters receive. Namarroi parents mentioned that purchasing items as basic as bedsheets are beyond their economic means.


Your generous contributions make secondary education possible for these girls. Bursary program graduates often go onto college or other higher education programs. They then work in occupations like nurses, teachers, public administrators, and pharmacists. Thank you for these donations that make such a difference in the lives of the girls and their nation.


Submitted by,

Susan Rimby for the UUCV Mozambique Bursary Committee

Important UUCV Info
UUCV OPEN for Committee and Small Group Meetings
We are happy to announce that the UUCV building is now open for you to meet in person.
Please contact Pam to reserve a room if you plan to meet at the church.  And just to make you aware, the only working bathroom right now is upstairs in the corner behind the Ministers office. 
For any meeting held at the church, you must plan to make Zoom an accessible option for anyone who isn't comfortable meeting in person yet, and as an option if someone is sick and needs to participate remotely. You can bring your own tablet or laptop to use Zoom, or we are working on getting a tablet available for you to use. 
And...we do have 3 Adult Adirondack chairs (with Adult Picnic Tables coming) at the side of the church where the Propane Tanks are located.  Feel free to bring a chair and meet outside as well....again, please reserve the space through Pam.
We're excited to have people back in the church and are working toward a September full opening.
If anyone has an ipad they would like to donate to UUCV please contact Pam.  We want to make sure meetings held at the church can still be accessible by ZOOM for anyone not comfortable or able to attend in person.
Opening Procedure Committee - Emily Crutcher, Gail Black, Courtney Wiley, Jim Burton, Joe Osborne, Chris Kapp, Pam Martin
UUCV Yard Sale and Bake Sale
We will hold our Yard Sale on Saturday, August 14 in conjunction with "Day at the Lake" which South Middleton Township is holding at the Boiling Springs Lake.  We're adding a Bake Sale to this year's event.  All proceeds from this years Yard Sale and Bake Sale will go toward the new flooring in the Social Hall.
  • Start gathering items to donate...drop offs will be around August 2
  • Volunteers will be needed to help on the 14th
  • Plan what you may want to make for the bake sale.  Please label your  homemade goods clearly with their ingredients (not just "contains nuts" but an actual list of each ingredient).
UUCV Announcements
ZOOM Worship

Most of our activities will be held in our main Zoom channel, which is accessible in any of the following ways:

  • point your browser to , OR
  • “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896

If you don’t already have Zoom installed on your computer, clicking any Zoom link will prompt you to begin the installation.  There is no charge to you for the software or its use.

UUCV Fundraising Opportunities

Do you shop on Amazon?  Go instead to 

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support UUCV every time you shop, at no cost to you.  Select Unitarian Universalist of Cumberland Valley as your charitable organization and everytime you make a purchase Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to UUCV.  Same great producs, same prices as Amazon, but makes money for UUCV.
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PO Box 207 2 Forge Road Boiling Springs, PA 17007

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