View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
AUGUST 2024 Newsletter

From the Board of Trustees


Hello fellow UUCV’ers!


It seems like summers are a quiet time in the community. The heat and vacations cause many of us to miss services. This seems to be a natural thing in every church community in which I have been a member. 

We had our second brunch service but, the heat in the dining area kept some away. However, those who attended enjoyed the service, the food and the company. Thank you to all who contributed to a successful service/brunch. Rev Chris and I decided it would be better to cancel the August brunch due to the distinct possibility of another heat wave.


We have received quotes for our commercial dishwasher system. This system will require some electrical work as well. We have contacted several electricians to obtain quotes.


Our security grant has been approved and the new security system is in the process of being installed. This will include security cameras and new door locks for the classrooms. While this is being done, the board is considering replacing the projector system in the sanctuary with a large TV monitor.


Your board of trustees will meet on August 24th for a retreat. During this 4-5 hour retreat, we will discuss goals for the year. You are welcome to send your ideas to any of the board members.


Finally, I would like to thank you for your continued support to this wonderful community. UUCV relies on all of you for your support through attendance at events/meetings, fundraising efforts, volunteer work, and financial support.


Jim Burton
UUCV Board President

Focus on Finances


On July 1, 2024 UUCV began our new fiscal year and we are now operating with the approved 24/25 Budget as our financial blueprint. A budget is a guideline that can never predict all that might happen over the course of a year, Just this past Sunday, July 21, a pipe in the ceiling over the nursery developed a leak after everyone had left for the day. Our custodian, Jim, arrived to discover water coming out of the Nursery ceiling and partially covering the floor in the nursery and extending out into the stairwell and dining room entrance. Fortunately he quickly shut off the main water valve to stop the deluge and then spent several hours cleaning up the water and setting up fans. How lucky we are that he came in when he did, and that he acted so efficiently and effectively. Thank you, Jim!


Jones Plumbing was able to identify and repair the problem and, yay, the cost for the service call and repair is quite manageable, much less than it could have been. Additionally, we can be grateful that there was no damage to the new bathrooms adjacent to the Nursery. There are ceiling tiles that will need to be replaced and we need to keep an eye on the tile flooring for buckling. But if Jim hadn’t arrived on Sunday, Pam would have come in Monday morning to a disaster. So it was an unplanned for event that could have been much worse. We can all be grateful that it wasn’t.


I think this event illustrates several things. First, budgets are a guideline that require oversight and modification as situations warrant. The Treasurer reviews the finances weekly, the Finance Committee meets monthly to look at expenditures and income and how things are tracking with the budget, and the Board is apprised of financial items as needed but at least monthly at Board meetings. All this is aimed at sticking to the budget guidelines as much as possible and identifying potential problem areas quickly. Second, we all play a part in the care of the building and need to keep our eyes and ears open to possible problems. If you see something, please act to correct it (ie:. wipe up a spill on the floor) or report the concern to Pam, Building and Grounds, or a Board member. And, third, we all play a part in keeping our budget on track. Timely payment of your pledge is a vital component of our finances and anything we can do to contain costs is appreciated, even little things like pausing to consider if you really need to make that many copies of something. Our UU values call us to be alert stewards of all of our resources. Thank you for doing your part.


Wendy Gebb

UUCV Treasurer

General Assembly Overview
Virtual GA this year was a wild ride. Max Donnelly, Lynn Sodora, and I all attended from the comforts of our own homes, but remained connected with each other and with other UU's across the nation throughout the four days of meetings, sessions, affinity cohorts, trainings, votes, and spirited debates using the GA online platform, zoom, and the mobile app. I was thrilled to be part of this year's General Assembly. The theme, "Love Unites, Stories Ignite," captured the spirit of our gathering perfectly. It was a powerful reminder of why I'm proud to be a Unitarian Universalist.
A major highlight for me was the adoption of our new shared values. After years of conversation and discernment, we finally agreed on the Article 2 Revision - a core set of values centered on love. It's a significant step forward for our faith. With 80 percent of voting delegates choosing to adopt the changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws, the stated values of Unitarian Universalism are now Equity, Generosity, Interdependence, Justice, Pluralism, and Transformation, centered around Love.
A two-thirds vote to change Article II was required under UUA bylaws; the new statement was approved by 80.2 percent of voting delegates (2,025 votes) to 19.8  percent (499 votes), with 21 delegates abstaining (0.8 percent)  The only incorporated amendment changed the Equity description to read, “We declare that every person is inherently worthy and has the right to flourish with dignity, love, and compassion.
”Beyond the new values, I was deeply moved by this year's assembly's focus on inclusivity and social justice. The overwhelming support for the resolution affirming the rights of transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse people was inspiring. While the debate around this issue was, unfortunately, fraught, with some far-right rhetoric creeping in from the margins, the moderators did a good job, overall, keeping the space respectful and the democratic process well-organized. I am proud to report that  little Max Balog became the youngest person in attendance to speak up in favor of the resolution, standing up directly to an adult who went off about trans children not being capable of knowing who they are, stating powerfully that trans kids know exactly who they are, and that it is the job of UU adults to believe and protect our children, accepting them for who they are and who they become. Max's powerful words pushed the discussion forward in a concrete, profoundly meaningful way, with hundreds of UU's reacting in the zoom chat "Listen to the child," "we hear you, Max," and "we've got your backs, kids,"  Business Resolution, “Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary, Intersex and Gender Diverse People is a  Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values" then passed overwhelmingly with a 91.8 percent vote in favor of adoption.
And our collective concern for the crisis in the Middle East showed our commitment to standing in solidarity with those suffering. In response to the ongoing war in Gaza, An Action of Immediate Witness, “Solidarity with Palestinians,” passed with a 73.5 percent vote. A Responsive Resolution, "UUA General Assembly Support for October 7  Hostages,” offered in response to the UUA President’s Report, called for the immediate release of all Hamas held hostages and acknowledged "the real suffering of Jews within  our Association and beyond.” It passed with 77 percent of votes in favor.
While the online format presented its challenges, it also allowed for unprecedented participation. I connected with UU members from all over the country, sharing our hopes, dreams, and challenges. The digital space, while not a perfect substitute for in-person gatherings, still managed to foster a strong sense of community. I participated in an affinity group for disabled UU's, and in a general session surrounding fat liberation in church spaces. I also attended a group discussion about aging congregations. All three of these topics intersected around the idea that we need to make our spaces more inclusive, adaptive, and accessible to all who walk, wheel, or otherwise come through our physical and virtual doors. 

It was truly an honor to witness 2024 President’s Award for Volunteer Service to the UUA being given to the Pink Haven Coalition  a project of frontline trans organizers working with progressive faith groups and mutual aid networks to create a network to house and provide welcoming communities to those directly impacted by anti-trans legislation, including those needing to permanently relocate or travel to access gender-affirming care.  Also honored was Jacqui C. Willaims, a longtime UU who dedicated her life to combating racism as an educator trainer, and community activist, and who died in 2023, posthumously received the 2024 Award for Distinguished Service to the Cause of Unitarian Universalism, the UUA’s highest honor.

This year's General Assembly was a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of our faith. As I reflect on the experience, I'm filled with hope and determination to live out our shared values in my own life and community.
I'm excited to share that next year's General Assembly will be held both in person and virtually in Baltimore, Maryland! This hybrid format will make it even easier for more of us to participate. Whether you've been around for a long time,  or you're new to the UU community, GA is open to you. With programming for all ages, it's a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow UUs, learn, and grow together. Mark your calendars for GA 2025. 
Rev. Chris Kapp
Worship this Month
The Worship theme for
August is Celebrate UU Identity

August 4 – "Camp UUCV" Gather around the campfire, sing a few songs, possibly skits, hear some stories, share in some laughter. Join us as we celebrate community and building tradition at this non traditional service designed for all ages. Brent Dickerson leads the service.  


August 11 – "Bartering, Believing & Basking"  “I’m as bad of an unbeliever as I was a Believer."  Mary Reichart leads the service with worship associate Susan Rimby.

August 18 - "UUCV Plays"  Building on the idea that play is a spiritual practice, and that spending time together, no matter the venue, can feed our spirits, UUCV will inaugurate our first annual Summer Picnic Service. Pack a Picnic, slather on the sunscreen, and join Board President Jim Burton, along with Worship Associate Jedd Brenneman, at South Middleton Park for fun, fellowship, and time with friends.


August 25 - "Backpack Blessing: All-Ages Worship Service"  As we enter this back-to-school season, let's explore the winding paths of learning and living during this fun and thought-provoking Service for All Ages. Bring your backpack, laptop case, purse, tote bag, briefcase and/or pencil box for our annual Backpack Blessing ceremony!  Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Susan Rimby.


Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

This n That...
UUCV Book Group

August 25 – Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See (Susan Rimby)


Lady Tan's Circle of Women is based on a real historical character in the Ming dynasty, a woman who gains renown as a healer of women. Over her lifetime, she gains about as much power as a woman in that culture can have. Along the way, she solves a murder and develops a life-long friendship with a woman of a lower class.


For more information, or questions, contact Susan Rimby


The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel
Volunteer Opportunities
UUCV is always looking for some extra help....are you able to volunteer your time?
  • Make coffee for Sunday social hour
  • Bring flowers for Sunday services
  • Like to help with the outdoors
  • Are interested in joining an existing committee
    • Hospitality 
    • Social Justice
    • Buildings and Grounds
    • Fundraising
    • Worship Associate
    • Work PRIDE tables
Volunteering is a great way to help out UUCV and is also a great way to form relationships with others in the congregation.
Contact Pam if you are able to offer your services:




Coming Up in August:

Mark your calendars:
  • Saturday, August 3 Thrift Shop Crawl 9a - 2p Meet at Salvation Army Thrift Store, 3901 E. Trindle Road in Camp Hill
  • Sunday, August 11 Worship Associates Meeting 12:00 in the Board Room.
  • Sunday, August 18 Worship and Picnic 10:30am at South Middleton Park Pavillion #3 534 Park Drive, Boiling Springs.  Bring a chair and bagged lunch
  • Sunday, August 18 Trauma in the Pews at 7:00 in the Yuuth Room.
  • Saturday, August 24 UUCV Board of Trustees Retreat (Off-site) 10a - 4p  
  • Sunday, August 25  UUCV Book Group at 6:30pm on Zoom   

Grocery Card FUN Facts

  • The grocery card team sold 1209 grocery cards in the fiscal year that just ended… raising almost $11,000 for UUCV. That’s a record!
  • Buying a grocery card from UUCV is an easy fundraiser for UUCV. You can buy grocery cards through the ACH (automated bank withdrawal) process OR you can buy cards before or after Sunday service OR you can contact the church office if you want a card.
  • Buying a card is a win-win! You’re spending $100 to buy a card which will then be used to pay for $100 worth of items you were going to buy anyhow. In turn, UUCV gets $10 for each Giant card sold and $5 for each Karns and Weis card sold.
  • Grocery cards can be used for food, gas, wine, beer, and prescriptions. (NOTE: when using your grocery card to buy gas…place your card in the credit card slot at the pump.)

Reach out to the members of UUCV’s grocery card team if you have any questions OR if you’d like to join our team. Help UUCV beat their record this fiscal year!


Thanks from the team: Margie Akin, Lynn Michels, Rebecca Fratantuono, Dee Lauderbaugh, Cindy Good

Social Justice at UUCV
August Social Justice Opportunities
Programs under the umbrella of the Social Justice Committee include the monthly CARES dinner, Change for the World (CFTW), the Mozambique Bursary project and the UUCV Antiracism Initiative. Another component this year has been assisting an Afghan family as they transition to America from war-torn Afghanistan. Other events we regularly participate in include Project Share’s Farm Stand, the annual Pride Festival in Harrisburg, National Public Lands Day, and United Way’s One Day of Caring. We anchor our efforts around UUCV’s mission to transform lives and care for the world. Thank you to all who serve on the committee and for outside support we receive from many others in the congregation.
The next Social Justice meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, August 21 on ZOOM   
All are welcome to join our meetings. 
Change for the World -
3rd Quarter - July, August, September
The Pennsylvania Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Network (PAIRWN) is a nonprofit organization that serves immigrant and refugee women in the greater Harrisburg area. Its mission is to help refer, advocate, network, and empower immigrant and refugee women. It offers programs in wellness, healthy relationships (with an emphasis on recovering from sexual assault or domestic violence), economic independence (through the operation of a global marketplace), and family advocacy (serving students with limited English proficiency). 
The organization has an office at 2101 N. Front Street in Harrisburg, and its website is
Moving Circles Friendship Dinner 
Come to share a potluck meal and conversation with a variety of people in our community.  
Attendees represent a number of different churches, different races and ethnicities, and a wide economic spectrum, including some homeless folks.  Moderators help facilitate conversations between the people at individual tables with thought-provoking questions designed to promote significant sharing. Bring a dish to share and join the adventure. 
6:00 to 8:30pm on Tuesday, August 13th at the Carlisle United Methodist Church 333 South Spring Garden Street in Carlisle.
Vote Forward Letter Writing, a way for you to make a difference 
So far 10 UUCV volunteers are participating in UUJusticePA's efforts to get inconsistent voters to the polls. 
240 non-partisan letters from us will be sent to PA voters likely to align with our values. Letters are preprinted with room for us to include a personal story about why voting matters to us.  This has been proven to be effective in the past two elections.  It's not too late for more UUs to join in the effort.  Everything you need to participate can be provided.  All you need to do is generate about three sentences that you can add to the letters to personalize them. Information will be provided to help you craft your own paragraph.  Sign up for  5, 10, 20, or more letters to be completed by September 15th.  Contact Cheryl Parsons at to join our effort! 
UUJusticePA sponsored an educational zoom call with Heather Cox Richardson for the purpose of providing more information about Project 2025 and how it could affect our democracy if implemented.  If you would like to know more about Project 2025, please see Cheryl Parsons, who attended the seminar, or read the BBC News article about it here  We need to educate ourselves, if we are to be responsible for the democratic process that is fundamental to our values and our country's well-being.

Learn how easy it is to use RaiseRight to build UUCV's Fund for a Commercial Dishwasher.  


UUCV is partnering with RaiseRight for Gift card fundraising, the #1 fundraiser for nonprofit organizations across the U.S. for more than 25 years.  Earn simply by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases, instead of cash or credit cards.

With RaiseRight, nonprofits and other community-based organizations earn money simply by shopping for their favorite brands—turning daily or weekly purchases into the opportunities that matter for their favorite organizations. 


How to Get Started:

Visit to Sign Up from your computer or access the QR Code Below.


Set up your banking or credit card preference.


You can then shop anytime by visiting and see the daily bonuses and specials which will earn more money for UUCV.  Check the % for each card to see what your donation will be to UUCV….with a very minimal fee to you. 


How to Pay:

When you are done selecting your cards, check out at your shopping cart.  You can pay by your own Credit Card (getting points on your card) or LINK to your bank account


How you Receive your Cards:

  • You can choose ecards (which will show up in your wallet on your APP or in your wallet on the main website http://www.raiseright/shop
  • You can print a copy of your purchase to act as a gift card when you shop
  • DO NOT select your card to be sent to the Coordinator….any cards sent to the coordinator will be cancelled and your sale will be VOID


Contact Pam if you need help in getting set up or if you have questions about this program.

UUCV Auction
Auction News
Mark your calendars for the social event of the fall. 
October 19 at 6 pm.
Get ready to mingle with all your UUCV friends as you bid on fabulous items at the auction, enjoy delectable finger foods and imbibe in luscious libations. 
News From the Mozambique Bursary Committee

Meet Natercia and Nina


Natercia Lourenco and Nina Octavio Joao Antonio, Bursary graduates, are studying health in post-secondary programs. Our Project Consultant, Titos Macie and Project Director, Sonia Assane Saule, met with both girls during a recent monitoring trip. (Here the girls are shown with Sonia. Nina is wearing white and Natercia is wearing yellow.)

Natercia is progressing well in her studies, and Nina is completing an internship at a rural hospital. This month, Nina will take the national examination, so that she can begin working in her field. Both Natercia and Nina will provide much-needed medical care in an underserved region. Attending high school through the Bursary Program was the first step in their careers.


Your donations keep the Bursary Program going and help girls like Natercia and Nina. Four hundred dollars funds one girl for one year. Even small donations provide hygiene supplies, a bedsheet, or a mosquito netting like the ones Nina is holding in the photo.

If you’d like to know more about the UUCV Bursary Program, feel free to contact one of the Committee members. We are Martha Bergsten, Dianne Dusmann, Deb Genet, Brian McFarland, and Susan Rimby.

Religious Education

Greetings all!   


The "dog days" of summer are here.  Please note that there are no RE classes in August; however, the Nursery will still be available for children under 5 during the worship services.  In August, our focus turns to worshipping together in multigenerational settings.  We hope to deepen our connections during this time and allow our dedicated RE volunteers time to recoup before classes resume in September.  We will have a Youth Group Overnight on Saturday, August 3rd, leading up to the Camp UUCV all-ages service on the 4th.  Parents and Caregivers of youth ages 13-17, please look for an email containing details of the overnight and the required permission slip.  Looking forward to a restful time of deepening our faith and strengthening our UUCV Community.  Parents and Caregivers, please complete an RE registration form for the upcoming year.


Below is our Faith Development youth and Multigen schedule for August:  
Sunday, August 3:  Youth Group Overnight, starts at 7:00 pm
Sunday, August 4:     Camp UUCV all-ages service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am
Sunday, August 11: All-ages service
Sunday, August 18:  Outdoor Worship/Picnic, South Middleton Park, 10:30 am 
Sunday, August 25:  Backpack Blessing all-ages service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am
NURSERY CARE is available every Sunday from 10:15 - 11:45 am for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Sunday, August 25:   RE Volunteer Training, 12:30-2:30 pm
Sunday, September 1:   RE Open House after service
Sunday, September 8:   Water Communion all-ages service
Sunday, September 15:  Religious Education classes begin    
Thank you to all our July volunteers!  Ryanne Mack, Julie Cullings, Melissa Mattson, Laura Soper, Emily Cappucci, Susan Green, Susan Rimby, Rebecca Fratantuono, Kim Stone, and Dianne Dusman.  Thank you so much for your time and energy!    Members of the Congregation are encouraged to volunteer with the Children's RE Program! Please email Lynn Sodora DLFD at to check in about submitting clearances. 

May we continue to learn and grow together!
In faith and service,
Adult Religious Education

Adult RE Group - Planning Session - August 11th - 9A


Are you interested in personal and spiritual development? Do you consider yourself a life-long learner? Would you like to deepen your connections with fellow congregants and friends of UUCV? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, then the Adult Religious Education (RE) group might be just what you’re looking for.

Join us on Sunday August 11th at 9 AM in the board room for a planning session where we will decide upon the topics for our next series of Adult RE classes to be held September through December. The planning session will last approximately one hour. Can’t make the meeting in-person? You can join via Zoom using this link:


The Adult RE Group typically meets for about an hour twice per month during the Spring (Feb. – May) and Fall (Sept. – Dec.). Rooted in Unitarian Universalism’s six sources and guided by the principle of a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, the group is open to exploring a wide range of topics from life's big questions to the smaller ones too. The discussion group gives participants a setting where they can live-out UUCV’s motto of “Seeking Truth Together”. This is a participant-led group in which we draw upon and learn from the knowledge, beliefs, wisdom, insights, practices, and lived-experiences of one another. We seek to learn not as some arcane academic exercise, but in an effort to better understand our world and ourselves so as to live life more deeply, more fully, and more justly.


Also, keep the following in mind:


First, to participate in the Adult RE group, you don’t need to “officially” join or “sign-up” for the group. You can show up for as many or as few classes as you would like.


Second, although the Adult RE group is a participant led group, you can participate in the group without ever having to lead a class. Always feel free to simply just attend and listen and speak up as much or as little as you feel comfortable.


Third, if you would be interested in leading a class discussion, but are maybe a bit hesitant, don’t feel as if you need to be an expert on a topic in order to lead a class. The preparation you do to host, coupled with the discussion and feedback during a class, can be a stepping-stone on your personal journey toward a deeper understanding of a topic that is of interest to you.


Finally, if you'd be open to leading a class discussion but can’t readily think of a topic that you’d like to speak about then maybe consider presenting your story. Share what has shaped and sustained you along life’s winding road.


Questions? Reach out at any time to Keith Bittinger at

Sign up for iGive and earn money for UUCV

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From pet rescues to 3rd grade classrooms, and on to fighting some of the most terrible diseases, iGive has been helping ordinary people make their shopping count for more.

Register now and list Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley as your charity 


iGive automatically helps your favorite cause, every time you shop.

They donate an extra $5 bonus to your cause when you make your first

Choose or list your cause & they'll earn money for free!

Minister Search Committee
Update from your Minister Search Committee
Our Congregational Record was reviewed by the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) team. They called out how much the personality and care of our community comes through in our profile, particularly with regard to our capital campaign, our small-group ministry, our social justice and action, and our youth involvement and RE program. 
They did suggest a couple of minor edits to make to our Congregational Record before re-submitting. We’ve made those changes and resubmitted our Congregational Record for final approval. We are hoping that our job posting goes live this week and that we start to see some applications roll in! We have a set of interview questions drafted and ready to go. As always, you are welcome to share your input and suggestions on the minister search process with us by visiting:
From our Music Director...


I want to thank all the individual musicians contributing to our UUCV services over the summer. Your talents are most appreciated. We are looking forward to having the choir perform during the months of October and December, with dates yet to be determined. So, stay tuned!


The choir will rehearse immediately after church for three Sundays prior to our chosen performance date to rehearse fully, we will need each singer to commit to at least two of these practices, with a mandatory rehearsal the Sunday before the performance and a run-through the Sunday of the performance. Your music director will be emailing all those vocalists who have expressed an interest in singing this fall within the next few weeks. A favorite Walt Whitman’s quote “I celebrate myself; I sing myself!” rings in my mind in anticipating hearing all of your voices coming together! I hope you will come join us for UUCV music ministry!



UUCV Announcements
Clothing Swap Update
The clothing swap held in June brought in so many useful items, and many of us rehomed new-to-us treasures.
Thanks to all who participated, donated, and received. The remaining items were donated to Community Cares in the name of UUCV; there were approximately 20 bags of clothing, infant through adult, business clothing, brand new shoes, clothing for all seasons, and much more. 
Thank yoUU all for helping to clothe our friends and community beyond our sanctuary. And thanks for the new additions to my closet. 

Peace & Respect.
Ryanne Mack
On Sunday, August 18, we will hold worship at Pavilion #3 at the South Middleton Park, 534 Park Drive in Boiling Springs.  Following worship, stay and enjoy some fun and friendship.  Bring a bagged lunch, and enjoy the playground facilities and the beautiful outdoors.
Trauma in the Pews: Deconstructing Toxic Belief Systems and Religious Abuse
The rise of Evangelical Fundamentalism across America over the course of the last 50 years has really brought to light the toxic belief structures and abusive practices of many denominations and religions.
When religious zeal is taken to the extreme, trauma can and does occur, affecting us to the core of our being. Join Rev. Chris on the third Sunday of the month at 7 PM in the Youuth room for a support and study group as we begin to work through the damage done in the name of religion, find our own voices, and discover what we truly believe, along with what we don't -- and embrace the freedom that comes with deconstruction and healing. This course will run for the entirety of 2024. Please let Pam know if you're interested. THIS GROUP IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. If you know someone who could benefit from this type of group, please pass along the information and Rev. Chris's email --
UUCV Book Group Selections for 2024
The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel 

UUCV Book Group 2024 Schedule (with Discussion Leaders)


August 25 – Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See (Susan Rimby)

Lady Tan's Circle of Women is based on a real historical character in the Ming dynasty, a woman who gains renown as a healer of women.  Over her lifetime, she gains about as much power as a woman in that culture can have.  Along the way, she solves a murder and develops a life-long friendship with a woman of a lower class.


September 22 – The Age of AI - And Our Human Future by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher (Keith Bittinger)

Summary: In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society—and what this technology means for us all.

Paperback: 288 pages, 7 chapters

Audio Book: 7 hrs 13 mins


October 27 – Women Talking by Miriam Toews (John Katz)

In an isolated Mennonite colony, women, children, and even infants have  endured rape, assault, and other brutalities with terrifying regularity. The book opens when the women of two families meet to discuss their options--which are rather limited, given how they have been kept illiterate and utterly ignorant of the outside world. This book is at once appalling, fascinating, and thrillingly suspenseful.


November 24 – 2025 reading selections

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PO Box 207 2 Forge Road Boiling Springs, PA 17007

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