View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
February 2020 Newsletter

From the Minister...

Dear Friends:

Our worship theme for this month, Come, Come, Whoever
You Are is an invitation into radical hospitality.   

Come, come, WHOEVER you are.  


Come if you are hurting. 

Come if you despair. 

Come if you feel like your heart has broken so many times that it is beyond repair.

Come if you are joyful.

Come if the light is just beginning to creep back in.

Come if you are overwhelmed by delight.


Come if you are unsure.

Come if you have doubts.

Come if you are lost.


Come if you are finding it hard to forgive.

Come if you have given up on hope.

Come if your world feels grey.


Come if you can see possibility, if only out of the corner of your eye.

Come if you can still find beauty.

Come if you know love.


Whoever you are, however you got here, come.  We are waiting for you.

In faith, 
Rev. Aija

From the Intern Minister...

Saying Good bye, so long, see you later can hold such a mixture of emotions.  For me there is a tenderness in seeing a relationship end – even if it is on good terms and even if it is for the very best of reasons.  I have a tendency to want to keep all those I love close.  But I have come to a place in my life wherein I find that I can carry those beloveds in my heart and know that a physical separation does not mean that closeness is no longer possible.  I’ve come to see my world from an expansive view rather than one that contracts.  I see love as something that gets bigger the more I let myself really practice what it means to love.

And so it is with my feelings about what this past year and a half has meant to me.  I have come to love this place, this community and those who make UUCV the nurturing and vibrant place that it is.  I have grown here in ways that will serve me well as I move into whatever form my ministry takes in the unfolding years to come.

I leave this place but I am not leaving you; for your shining faces and caring natures will be safely tucked inside my heart.  Thank you all for the opportunity to share this part of my journey with you. 

The Irish are known for the blessings they bestow – and so I leave you with this:

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

Worship this Month
The Worship Theme for February is "Come, Come, Whoever you Are"

February 2: "Though I’ve Broken my Vows a Thousand Times"  How can we make promises we know we won’t keep? How can we keep entering into relationships knowing they will end?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons. 

February 9: "Come, Come, Whoever you Are"   We open our hearts and our home to everyone who would walk, roll, or be carried through our doors.  Rev. Aija Simpson  preaches with worship associate Michele Burton.

February 16: "Beloved Conversations"  Participants in our Beloved Conversation program will share their thoughts on the journey. Rev. Aija Simpson leads the service. 

February 23: "Mardi Gras"  "Mardi Gras"  It's that time again! Come celebrate a Central Pennsylvania-Southeast Louisiana mash up with our annual Mardi Gras multi-gen celebration.  Rev. Aija Simpson leads the service with members of the Religious Education Committee as worship associates. 
Capital Campaign 


New Year,
New Capital Campaign Project! 


With the roof now secure, we are ready for project #2!



  • New replacement windows


  • All windows except those in the sanctuary, which are new


  • mid-February 2020


  • Clear glass for visibility in and out
  • Energy efficiency
  • Functionality with screens and tilt-to-clean
  • Current best safety practices


  • Our pledge dollars!

One year into our pledge collections, 28 pledge units have paid in full. We encourage everyone to stay current with their pledge commitments. Receipt of funds determines projects accomplished.


Submitted by Paula Terry and Deb Stille,

for the Cap Cam Steering Committee

UUCV Book Group 

The group meets the 4th Sunday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Yuuth Room.

The February 23rd selection is "The Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd. Set in antebellum Charleston, the novel begins with 11 year old Sarah receiving a slave, Hetty, as a birthday gift. Her attempt to reject the gift sets a course for both girls in the decades to come as they explore the complexities of their relationship, and what it means to be free.

If you have any questions, please contact UUCV Book Group Coordinator, Riley Johnson at, or Pam in the office at or


Adult RE Winter Selection Meeting

The Adult RE 2020 Winter-Spring series of classes is set to kick-off on Sunday February 9. 

Classes meet in the Board Room at 9 AM and anyone is welcome to attend.  


February 9: Babes in the Woods

This tragic tale of the deaths of three little girls found on the mountain near Pine Grove Furnace State Park remains a mystery to this day eighty-five years later.

We explore the idea that this was the result of a tragic accident and not murder as originally proposed.

Further discussion will be on how these deaths could be the result of a viscous rumor 3000 miles away. Join me as we go back in time to November 1934 and attempt to make sense of what took place that cold, rainy, November day. 

Discussion leader: Cathy Dewalt.


Dates for the subsequent classes will be: 2/23, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5, 4/19, 5/3, and 5/17.

New Member Classes

There are still some openings for anyone Interested in becoming a member of UUCV or just learning more about the history of Unitarian Universalism?

A light lunch will be provided for the first class on Sunday, February 9 at 12:30 pm in the Yuuth Room.

Feel free to pack a bag lunch for the remaining two classes on February
16 and 23. 

Childcare is available.

Sign up now by contacting Pam in the office at or calling 717/249-8944.
Social Justice at UUCV



The next UUCV Social Justice Committee February meeting is scheduled for February 19th at 6:30 pm in the Board Room.  All are welcome.


Volunteer at the Farm Stand

 When: Thursday mornings, February 13 and 27 from 9:30 – 11:00

 Where: Project SHARE’s Farm Stand is located at 123 Lincoln Street, Carlisle

 Why: To provide fresh fruits and vegetables to those in need.


Please sign up at Social Justice table.


Change for the World needs YOU

UUCV’s Change for the World (CFTW) initiative has been in existence for a number of years. Since 2012 alone CFTW has supported about 70 different non-profit organizations (mostly local) through the weekly collection of your pocket change.  Our average donation of $150-$200 helps the recipient organizations “transform lives and care for the world”.   We also know there may be other organizations that could use a little financial help…and that is where you are needed.

The Social Justice Committee (SJC) is asking you to support the CFTW program by submitting proposals for non-profit organizations you care about and/or are involved with.  The proposals are reviewed by the SJC on a quarterly basis.  The members of the SJC do not take this responsibility lightly.  We do our best to fulfill our responsibility of selecting organizations that meet our guidelines

If you are interested in submitting a CFTW proposal, please stop by the SJC table in the social hall to review the CFTW Guidelines and pick up a proposal form.  Completed forms may be placed in the basket on the SJC table or returned to UUCV’s office.

How to Be an Antiracist - Ibram X Kendi

On Thursday, February 6th at 7:00 pm at the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on the Dickinson College campus Ibram X. Kendi will present "How to Be an Antiracist."


When America's first black president entered the White House, Americans described their nation as "color blind" and the era as "post-racial." That was a short-lived illusion. In this deeply personal an empowering lecture, National Book Award-winning historian and author Ibram X. Kendi shifts the discussion from how not to be racist to how to be an antiracist. He shares his own racist ideas and how he overcame them, and provides direction to those who want not just Band-id programs but actual antiracist action that builds an antiracist America.



Change For The World - Project SHARE Souper Bowl was founded in 1990 encouraging youth groups to lead the charge and inspire others through events, collections and other creative ideas that leads to the goal of helping to feed the community where they live.  The event, which runs from November through February, asks them to focus on the 1 in 6 children and 1 in 9 adults who face food insecurity year round in Cumberland County. 


UUCV will join the fight to end hunger by giving to Project SHARE’s Souperbowl as our CFTW in February 2020.  All change collected will go towards purchasing need food for those in our community who face hunger.  $1 received by Project SHARE can provide 6 meals. 




Stone Upon Stone

Where we've come from. Where we're going. Across the globe, in many cultures, since the dawn of recorded history, Ebenezers, or Cairns, have served as a visual reminder of a community's intention and commitment to one another and to their chosen path. Join us on February 16th as we kick off this year's Annual Budget Drive by building our own UUCV Ebenezer and discovering how we build this community together, Stone Upon Stone

Religious Education

February's Featured Events

Mardi Gras Celebration - Sunday, February 23 10:00 am - 1:00 pm  Arrive at 10:00 for face painting, stay after service for snacks and games.
Family Happy Hour - Wednesday, February 26: Desperate Times: 5:30 - 7:30 PM  1201 Carlisle Spring Road, Carlisle...Food, drinks, games!  All are welcome!

Want to plan ahead?  Check out all the RE events scheduled through June 2020.

All of these events are open to all ages, not only for families with young children.  These events are also a great opportunity to invite new friends who may want to learn more about us but feel shy about coming to church on a Sunday - is there someone in your life you would like to invite?

Winter-Spring Adult RE Class Schedule - 2020

These classes will be held on Sunday morning’s beginning at 9:00 am in the Board Room...All are welcome!


February 9: Babes in the Woods - This tragic tale of the deaths of three little girls found on the mountain near Pine Grove Furnace State Park remains a mystery to this day eighty-five years later. We explore the idea that this was the result of a tragic accident and not murder as originally proposed. Further discussion will be on how these deaths could be the result of a viscous rumor 3000 miles away. Join me as we go back in time to November 1934 and attempt to make sense of what took place that cold, rainy, November day.  Discussion leader: Cathy Dewalt.


February 23: Jesus Did the Best He Could - Assume Jesus had timeless insights to share yet had to share those insights to a pre-modern culture.  What would his message, as captured by that culture, look like to us?  It would look like the Gospels. This class takes a deeper look at some of Jesus’ words from a perspective that God did not want nor need anything from the Israelites and Jesus’ message was simply sound advice on how to live a more fulfilled and joyful life. From this perspective, the Gospels are sort of like age-appropriate sex-ed for a six-year-old. True, but not quite really how it is. We'll take a more mature look at Jesus’ teachings and leave the literal word to the evangelicals.  Discussion leader: Brian Wilson.


March 8: Yoga Nidra - The topic of this class centers on the practice and history of Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is a sleep based guided meditation practice.  Discussion leader: Courtney Wiley.


March 22: Mind and Cosmos - In his book Mind and Cosmos, philosopher Thomas Nagel challenges the dominant world view of our time—materialistic naturalism—the view that all of reality can ultimately be explained in terms of matter and the laws of nature.  Nagel argues that to the contrary, mind and consciousness cannot be fully explained in materialistic terms and this has implications for science as well as our understanding of the ultimate nature of reality.  Discussion leader: Keith Bittinger.


April 5: Establishing a Meditation Practice - Sure, I would like to meditate regularly but I can’t because…  Meditation would really help me but…  There are always barriers.  If you would like to start, or improve a meditation practice, OR, if you already practice and can share, please come and talk about it.  Discussion leader: Joe Osborne.


April 19: The Divine Within: From Krishna to Christ - The core teaching of Hinduism is often summed up in three words: “You are That,” by which is meant that the essential Self of every human being (the Atman) and The Ineffable Source of ALL That Is (Brahman) are one and the same.  In this class we will explore this concept further and also look at its possible links to the myths and philosophies of ancient Greece and to the “Christ in you” teaching of the apostle Paul.  Discussion leader: Don Hoffman.


May 3: Mormonism - In this class we will look at the origins, beliefs, and rituals of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormon Church.  Discussion leader: Courtney Wiley.


May 17: Death Meditation - Do a Death Meditation? Seriously? Isn’t that kinda weird? Why would anyone want to spend time contemplating their own, or anyone else’s death?  But this practice often helps us understand and manage our life better and can be very liberating. This is about priorities and how we set them in the light of realities.  Since there’s no bigger reality than death, shouldn’t we start by looking at it?  Discussion leader: Joe Osborne.

Kid's Corner
The Mack family suggested we start a column for our UU kids to contribute their thoughts and ideas with our congregation....What a GREAT IDEA!!!

Sooo Now.....our first contributor is Zoe Mack...reach out and talk with her about her art.  Enjoy! 

Zoe MossStar, age 9

UUCV Announcements
What will the UUCV Choir look like in the future?  You tell us!

Remember how last fall we shifted to an experimental “one-rehearsal” model for the UUCV Choir?  Feedback on that experiment has been mixed, and we’d love your help in discerning the best way for the Choir to be a powerful part of our worship life at UUCV! 
If you’d like to join in the discussion, please visit this Doodle poll and let us know which date(s) you could join us for a discussion (and maybe even lunch)!  And if you’ve sung in the choir in the past, or are interested in singing in the future, we’d appreciate your feedback on this form as well.  Any questions?  Talk to a choir member or contact David!
UUCV Memorial Garden Sign

The Board voted unanimously at its meeting on January 16 for the church to finance a sign for our Memorial Garden to be placed on the fence between the two main entrances to the church. We also decided to solicit further funds for the upkeep and enhancement of the Memorial Garden from all those who especially care about this special place on our grounds. If you wish to contribute, you may drop your check in the collection basket on Sundays or send it directly to UUCV (P. O. Box 207, Boiling Springs, 17007) – Be sure to WRITE “MEMORIAL GARDEN” in the MEMO LINE.

As a reminder:  this is sacred ground for a number of us in the congregation. If you have further questions, please contact Cindy Good who has spearheaded this effort (

  Women's Dinner  - 
         All are Welcome

Just a reminder that the monthly women’s dinner occurs on  alternating Tuesdays and Wednesday, and this month (an  even month) it’s on February 12. Please see the January newsletter article at  for more information and the full schedule for the year; the dates are also on the online calendar.  

NEW Hospitality Committee Forming

"The newly created Hospitality Committee will have an organizational meeting after the service on February 2nd during the Coffee Hour - our resident UUCV Groundhog will preside. Come help us decide what we are all about!"

Save the Date

You are invited to SAVE THE DATE for the ordination of our intern, Cindy Terlazzo.  

March 28, 2020.  The event will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of York.  More specific details will follow after the new year.

UUCV Fundraising Opportunities

Grocery Cards – Easy fundraiser for UUCV

Don’t forget to stop by the Grocery Card table after service on Sundays to buy a Giant, Karns or Weis card to purchase all your picnic groceries.  This is a great fundraiser for UUCV – we receive 10% of the face value of every Giant Card sold and 5% for each Karns and Weis card soldCards can also be purchased during the week in the church office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm and on Wednesdays from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.  And you can use your Giant card for gas, Carlisle Borough Trash Bags, prescriptions, and beer for those over 21!

UUCV Yard Sale

Are you saving a high priced item for our June yard sale?  If so, contact Pam in the office at 717/249-8944 or  We are going to try selling high priced items on Marketplace on Facebook.  We've already tested this out with a large blanket chest and a snow blower and are happy to report both sold for a total of $300.00.   

Mozambique Bursary

 THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  Because of your generous support, the Bursary Committee will be able to assist Mozambiquan girls in 2020 with their dream of obtaining an education that would otherwise be unavailable.  The forever  gift of an education transforms the lives of girls in rural Mozambique and benefits not only the young woman, but her family, community, and nation

UUCV's 23rd
Annual Auction

Update on Auction 2019 - Woodstock RedUUx

Seems everyone likes to party like it is 1969 because this year’s Auction was a big success. To date we have collected $18,791! Because this is essentially an all volunteer event, our expenses were limited to the cost of printing the booklet and paying fees for credit card usage. So, to date, the Auction has netted $18,471 for the General Fund in our 2019/2020 annual budget.

You may notice I said “to date”. We had such a fantastic offering of Sign Up events and some of them still have spaces available. Hopefully you have noticed the Auction table near the stage in the Social Hall. This is where you can find which events in the coming months still have open spaces. To claim your space simply write your name on the Sign Up sheet, put your payment in an envelope and the envelope in the basket on the table. Or you can contact Pam Martin in the church office to make arrangements to pay. So if you couldn’t attend the Auction or didn’t know if you were going to be available on a certain date, you can now join in the fun.

Having served as chair of the Auction for the past three years, I am now stepping down from that position. I am deeply grateful for the support I have received along the way. It is a challenging task to pull this event together but there are many hands in the UUCV community that lighten the load by sharing in the effort.

I am pleased to announce that Cathy Dewalt has volunteered to be the chair of Auction 2020. She shadowed me through the production of Woodstock RedUUx and will now take over the reins. Thank you, Cathy for volunteering. It is much easier to step down knowing someone else has stepped up and I trust that the UUCV community will provide her the same kind of support and assistance I received.  

Thank you to each and every one of you who offered an event, brought food and beverages, donated items, provided amazing music, created decorations, put up decorations, took down decorations, created booklets, managed the check in/check out process, volunteered for event night tasks, dressed up, showed up, purchased events and items and had a good time together. All of this combines to make the Auction a success.

See you at Auction 2020!

Wendy Gebb

Woodstock RedUUx...The Party Goes On

If you were unable to attend the auction you still have a chance to join in the fun.  There are openings for auction events each quarter.  Visit the auction table for information on the events for January, February and March 2020 to sign up.   Put your check made out to UUCV Auction and the Auction event # in the memo line and place your check in the basket on the auction table.

For full descriptions and pricing information of the events, click here

February 1 - Winter Game Night  (3 spots left)

February 8 - John Terlazzo & Voices in the Hall Concert (Unlimited spots available)

February 15 - Date Night Childcare (9 spots left)

February 15 - Couples Massage Class (10 spots left)

March 7 - Yoga Nidra for Grief (28 spots left)

March 12 - Bee Talk & Honey Pairing (2 spots left)

March 15 - Spaghetti after Church (3 spots left)

March 21 - Piano Bar Time (2 spots left)

March 28 - Sondheim Dinner (2 spots left)

March 28 - Dance like Fred & Ginger (10 spots left)

Let's fill the Sanctuary with this open auction event with unlimited seating. 

$15 for an evening of good music and at the door.
General Assembly is only a few months away...
                                     It's time to get Rooted, Inspired & Ready!

                                         Providence, RI

Registration is now open at Full-time registration is $400 for adults, $240 for high school youth, and $150 for off-site registrants. Register by March 15 for the lowest rate. Rates will increase on March 16 and again on May 1.

The UUA is committed to the goal of making GA accessible to as many attendees as possible. Go to to learn about scholarships to support participation - particularly of those from marginalized groups - and volunteer opportunities (work in exchange for registration). 

In addition to a variety of nearby hotels, attendees will also be able to book dormitory-style accommodations at two local universities. Also, UUs from local congregations will serve as host families for Home Hospitality, which is B&B style accommodations. For more information, visit Make your hotel reservation beginning March 2 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern at

Worship: Sundays 10:30 am
2 Forge Road
Boiling Springs, PA  17007

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PO Box 207 2 Forge Road Boiling Springs, PA 17007

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